The Irish Pain Society welcomes new student and qualified members with an interest in pain from all scientific/ healthcare related disciplines.

The Irish Pain Society (IPS) welcomes membership renewal and new members for 2023-2024 

The Society endeavours to promote all aspects of education and training in research and development, and clinical management of chronic pain problems.

IPS membership comes with a range of benefits including:
– Access to a multidisciplinary network of pain clinicians, allied health professionals, researchers, and educators across the island of Ireland
– Eligibility to apply for IPS Conference Bursaries to attend IASP2024 World Congress on Pain
– Eligibility to join the Irish Pain Research Network (IPRN)
– Emails and information on IPS and IPRN activities and related information

  • If you have registered and attended the IPS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023, this includes IPS membership for 2023-2024. Membership ends September 2024.
  • If you did not attended the IPS Annual Scientific Meeting 2023 and wish to join or renew your IPS membership for 2023-2024 then please complete the form below. Membership fees and details on payment are provided below.

Membership fees: 

  • Trainee/Student membership: €10 (proof of status must be submitted to
  • Regular membership: €25

Membership fees to be transferred to the following account. Please indicate your name and IPS membership in the description when transferring payment (e.g Joe Bloggs IPS membership) to allow us to track your payment
IBAN:IE50 AIBK 9336 0011 4840 17       BIC AIBKIE2D

To Sign Up Today Click HERE

Mrs. Nicola Knowles
c/o Irish Pain Society
22 Denzille Lane
Dublin 2