People with persistent or chronic pain may need to attend a specialist Pain Clinic for assessment and possible further pain management.
This may include meeting a multidisciplinary team, further tests and some procedures depending on the assessments. Advice is also provided on living a fuller life in spite of pain. Pain Clinics vary in the treatments offered and not all hospitals may have a specific pain clinic. Sometimes a Consultant with an interest in pain will prescribe drugs or give injections to try to control pain. Other clinics have teams of doctors, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and others.
The following hospitals have specialised Pain Clinics:
- St. Luke’s Hospital, Rathgar, Dublin 6
- St James Hospital, Dublin
- Mater Misercodiae University Hospital, Dublin
- Beaumont Hospital, Dublin
- St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin
- Adelaide and Meath Hospital (Tallaght), Dublin
- Naas General Hospital, Naas, Co Kildare
- St Columcille’s Hospital, Louglinstown
- University College Hospital, Galway
- Sligo University Hospital
- Limerick University Hospital
- Cork University Hospital
- Mercy Hospital, Cork
- Waterford University Hospital
- The Midland Regional Hospital at Portlaoise
- Mater Private Hospital, Dublin