- American Academy of Pain Medicine www.painmed.org
- American Pain Society www.ampainsoc.org
- American Society of Regional Anesthesia www.asra.com
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland www.aagbi.org/
- Australian Pain Society www.apsoc.org.au
- British Pain Society www.britishpainsociety.org
- Canadian Pain Society www.canadianpainsociety.ca
- College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland www.anaesthesia.ie
- European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain (EFIC) www.efic.org
- European Society of Regional Anaesthesia www.esraeurope.org
- General Medical Council www.gmc-uk.org
- Heading Off Migraine Pain www.fda.gov
- International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) www.iasp-pain.org/
- International Neuromodulation Society www.neuromodulation.com
- Irish Medical Council www.medicalcouncil.ie
- Irish Pain Nurses Midwives Society www.ipnms.ie
- Neuromodulation Society of UK and Ireland ukandireland.neuromodulation.com
- New Zealand Pain Society www.nzps.org.nz
- Physiotherapy Pain Association www.ppaonline.co.uk An association for Chartered Physiotherapists and other practitioners involved in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic pain
- Royal College of Anaesthetists UK www.rcoa.ac.uk
- Society for Pain Practice Management (SPPM) www.sppm.org
- The International Pelvic Pain Society www.pelvicpain.org
- World Institute of Pain www.worldinstituteofpain.org