IPS sign up to  The European Brain Council’s “No Health Without Brain Health” Campaign

IPS have signed up to  The European Brain Council’s “No Health Without Brain Health” campaign which aims to rallying support for the increased prioritization of brain health on EU Health and Research agendas. Society is facing brain challenges like never before — improving the health and wellbeing of citizens has become the top priority for many governments and brain health should not be left behind. 2024 is a pivotal year as 64 countries worldwide will host major elections and major political, economic, and overall societal shifts and instability continue to unravel. The No Health Without Brain Health campaign aims to put a spotlight on the urgency of addressing the growing burden, the socioeconomic impacts and the need to significantly increase investment in the brain R&D space. The IPS Logo has now been included on the brin council website to acknowledge our support of this campaign  https://www.braincouncil.eu/nhwbh/